Kolkata, the capital of the East Indian state of West Bengal, is known for its intellectuals, cultural production, and literature. Communist in ideology, with politically aware residents, Kolkata was the capital of British India before New Delhi assumed this position. Known as the “City of Joy,” Kolkata is distinguished by its unique cuisine, language, grand colonial architecture, art galleries and cultural festivals.
Host Institution: Kolkata Anandam for Equality and Justice (KAEJ) is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Kothi and Hijra (LGBTKH) organization in Kolkata. They are a grassroots, community-led organization that espouses an anti-violence framework. Their current projects include: organizing a LGBTKHIA Parliament, rural outreach and sensitivity training, advocacy work through awareness campaigns as well as the creation of temporary and permanent safe spaces for queer community members. Students interested in researching LGBTKH movement building in India, state violence based on sexual and gender discrimination or other topics related to the LGBTKH community in India should apply. Students can develop a research project and/or help to further projects already in progress.
Mentor: Dr. Soma Roy has a Ph.D., and M.Sc. in Applied Psychology. She has more than 11 years of experience as a Master Trainer with the Global Fund for Fighting HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria. Dr. Roy was also associated with the Saksham Program which was meant to build the capacity of counsellors under the NACO program for HIV/AIDS prevention. Currently, Dr. Roy is the Cheif Advisor for KAEJ. Previously, she worked as a Senior Research and Capacity Building Officer at Sonagachi Research and Training Institute, the research wing of Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, an organization advocating for sex worker’s rights.
Program Dates: Between June 1 - August 11
Program Length: 8 Weeks
Housing: Students will find their own housing. SAC can assist in the search.
APPLICATION DEADLINE February 13, 2020 @11:59PM.
APPLY here! For questions contact Amelia Carter, Assistant Director, at ameliaca@upenn.edu.