The South Asia Center is excited to be a co-sponsor of CAORC and AIIS’s Development Seminar for faculty of Community Colleges and Minority Serving Institutions in India! At the end of December 2019, travel for 2 weeks in India to learn about Urban Sustainability. Apply by September 16th!CAORC recognizes the immediate and growing need for professors at U.S. community colleges and minority-serving institutions to provide a global perspective to their students. These administrators and faculty understand the value of developing “internationalized” learning environments that both broaden their students’ cultural horizons and foster critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills for an increasingly interconnected world. To support community colleges and minority-serving institutions, CAORC offers fully-funded overseas seminars that help faculty and administrators gain the requisite first-hand experience needed to develop and improve international curricula.This award program, administered by CAORC in collaboration with its member center in India, the American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS), funds participation in a two-week capacity building workshop in India that will include stays in the cities of Delhi, Jaipur, and Lucknow.Round-trip travel, accommodations, and meals will be provided for the seminar. Click the link to learn more and APPLY!