
Islamophobia: Confronting Bias in the Classroom and Beyond

Aug 16, 2016 at - | Carriage House/LGBT Center
3907 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Islamophobia: Confronting Bias in the Classroom and Beyond

Presenter: Dr. Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher and Dr. Jamal Elias 
Participants: K-12 Educators 
Location: LGBT Center, 3907 Spruce St, Philadelphia PA

Islam and Muslims occupy a prominent place in US media and politics today, though much of this attention has been negative. An Islamophobic tenor across the US has resulted in a trend of discriminatory behavior against Muslims: zoning boards that prevent mosques and Muslim community centers from being built, an increase in reported hate crimes, as well as a significant increase in bias-based bullying in schools. This interactive workshop is designed to shed light on issues affecting Muslims (and those perceived to be Muslim) in the US today. The 3 hour workshop is geared towards teachers who are curious about Islam and/or who wish to  better understand bias-based bullying and how to confront Islamophobic bias in the classroom and beyond.

RSVP by emailing mec-info@sas.upenn.edu.


Dr. Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher is a faculty member in the Penn Graduate School of education. Her research and work in Psychology and Education have focused largely on immigrant populations from South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 

Dr. Jamal Elias is a professor in the Religious Studies Department at Penn focusing on Islamic thought, history, Sufism, Islam and modernity, as well as visual and material culture in the Middle East and South Asia.

This event is sponsored by the Middle East Center and the South Asia Center.