
Religion & Foreign Policy: A Roundtable Discussion with Afghanistan and Pakistan Delegates

Sep 22, 2016 at - | Meyerson Conference Room 223
2nd Floor Lobby, Van Pelt Library
University of Pennsylvania

Please join us for a roundtable discussion with members of a special delegation from Afghanistan and Pakistan, in conversation with Penn faculty and students.


Citizen Diplomacy International of Philadelphia (CDI) is hosting 5 delegates from Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of a program entitled, “Religious Dialogue Influencing Foreign Policy.”  The delegates  will be in Philadelphia briefly as part of an 18 day visit to the United States.  While in Philadelphia, they are interested in meeting with Penn students and faculty.  The delegates are particularly interested in learning “how Penn students are informed about the respective cultures of Afghanistan and Pakistan and their relation to foreign policy issues.”

Come and join the discussion!  All are welcome, please RSVP: jchavez@sas.upenn.edu  Coffee and samosas will be served. 

This event is sponsored by the South Asia Center.