

The South Asia Center, Center for the Advanced Study of India and Affiliated Faculty welcome all to this year's workshop: Rethinking Nationalism. Please see the information below and register for this fantastic one day event. All are welcome with registration.

Rethinking Nationalism

If the last two decades of the 20th century produced some of the searing and critical accounts of nationalism both in the Euro-American and in the postcolonial world, the first two decades of the twenty first century has seen the growth of studies that are trans-national at its core such as oceanic, environmental, and, anthropogenic, to name only a few, which fundamentally challenges the centrality of the idea of the nation. Yet, arguably, in this moment, we are also witnessing a resurgence of nationalism around the world leading scholars to confront and explain the continued rhetorical, methodological, and political-economic imperative of nationalism in a world that asks us to be conscious of the planetary. In this interdisciplinary workshop, scholars working on the long 20th century of South Asia, engage and critically reflect on the ways in which the question of nation and nationalism intersect their research enquiries; an engagement that would reveal both the promises and limits of nationalism on the one hand and document its complex, troubling genealogies on the other.

Please register here to attend. Lunch will be provided.


We look forward to hosting you at Penn!