
Teaching Hinduism: Ideas, Challenges, Politics

Apr 20, 2020 at - | 1889 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003Room 110

This workshop provides perspectives on teaching one the world’s oldest (but perhaps also most misunderstood) religious traditions, Hinduism. The workshop, led by Professor Davesh Soneji, offers a twenty-first century look at the complexities of representing Hinduism to young people in the North American public school system. Its goals are to address and re-evaluate the history of European and Abrahamic readings of Hindu traditions; to ask questions about the nature of Hindu “theology,” philosophy and ethics, and ritual practice; to think about plurality and diversity within various Hindu contexts; to discuss issues related to social power (such as caste and gender) in Hindu contexts; and finally, to address the rise of the “Hindu right” and the politicization of Hindu traditions in today’s globalized world.      Snacks and refreshments provided